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What sets VDT apart?

Valley Dance Theatre has a mission to bring the world of ballet to local audiences. They are focused on giving every dancer the opportunity to explore their art and present it to the world. Most dance studios in our area concentrate more on competitions, which normally excludes the non-dance world. VDT wants to introduce ballet to an entirely different audience, and expand the dance world to all corners of the Tri-Valley and beyond. But what is it that makes VDT so much different from every other studio? The opportunity. Every individual, regardless of size or experience, is given the chance to discover their abilities and practice their art in a constructive environment. It is very common in the dance world for teachers and students to discourage certain students from participating. This concept that might be a norm for other studios is foreign to VDT. Every dancer gets the chance to become the best they can be. An important way that Valley Dance Theatre is set apart from other studios is the price. This is a big one for all the parents out there. In many competition schools, students have to buy their own costumes. These costumes are usually expensive, cheaply made, and sometimes not even completely put together. This can be very frustrating for both the parents and the dancers, and even ruin the whole experience. This is not an issue at VDT. At VDT the costumes are made by hand and reused for years. The costume designer always has new ideas to improve the costumes and keep them up to date. The classes themselves are also very affordable, so that dancers from all walks of life can have the opportunity to take classes. Valley Dance Theatre's main goal is to expand the dance world to local audiences and provide every dancer with the chance to explore their art. -Tessarae

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